
Soft Skills Rock!!

Do you remember when hiring was all about experience, skills, technical ability and industry expertise? If you entered the workforce after 1995 then you remember the swing into the digital world as the .com boom

Does the Position Really Exist?

This is a true story. This actually occurred recently. Although this type of major debacle is something I haven’t seen in 25+ years, it was an eye-opener for sure. Not your typical week for me

Are Con-Artists Digitally Creeping Through To You and Your Connections?

Years ago, the bad guys would plan their crime, commit the crime and create havoc. Often it would take authorities years to track down these bad people. Today with the digital world consistently changing at

Shock Waves Hit When Termination of Employment Slams Your Screen Via Skype

I was sitting at my desk yesterday when I received a sad call from a long time client. "This morning I was employed, this afternoon I am no longer employed". Unfortunately my client was very

With A Positive Mind You Can Have A Positive Life!

“YOU CAN’T HAVE A POSITIVE LIFE WITH A NEGATIVE MIND”  (Joyce Meyer-Brainy Quote) I agree wholeheartedly. Do you? Negative thoughts, negative people, negative influences filtering through your world, can be detrimental to you personally and

Toxic Behaviour is Poison!

If you have ever or are now working in an environment where you are defensive of your actions and reactions more often than not, it is time to evaluate if you are in an unhealthy