Mini story: A senior executive was about to be offered an opportunity with a terrific organization. The offer was for a top role in the new Canadian operation, within a U.S. Corporation making entry into the Canadian market space. The senior executive was referred to this organization through a referral, from an ex-boss. Since this executive worked for the past boss, two D.U.I.’s occurred. Six years have passed since the D.U.I.’s occurred and the senior executive, no longer drives for medical reasons. The executive was afraid that the D.U.I.’s would come out in the final background check, prior to being hired and called me to discuss options. I only had two options for the executive to consider. Walk away or explain the circumstances to HR or to the new potential boss. Ask for confidentiality of non-disclosure. Explain the circumstances. Explain driving is no longer an option from a subsequent accident and medical condition. The executive did as I recommended, was hired and cleared through all background checks and has been happily employed for 5 years.