Ask yourself the following questions and answer yes or no only:
1. Are you doing your best 99% of the time in all personal and professional endeavors?
2. Is your self-confidence level high or low?
3. Do you believe in your value?
4. Do you genuinely care about others?
5. Do you give back both personally and professionally?
6. Do you go out of your way to help others?
7. Are you a grateful person?
8. Do you believe in giving everything you do your all?
9. Are you open to improvement?
10. Are you respectful of others as well as yourself?
11. Do feelings of guilt motivate you to do more?
12. Do you find that your feelings of guilt create a positive or negative effect?
13. Do others know that you are driven by guilty feelings?
14. Can you control when you feel guilty and when you don’t?
15. Prior to reviewing this program did you realize that you are driven by guilty feelings, actions and re-