Identity theft is only one kind of fraud that digital scam artists try and achieve. Cloning or duplication of websites, is the new norm. It’s like fake news. It’s out there and becoming harder to know real from not real just like if a website has been high jacked and duplicated for criminal intent. The job seeker market is ripe for their evil pickings.These criminals take advantage of job seekers with ease by posing as an employer and asking for personal information.  The scammers can clone a job board site, post fake job ads and wait for you to respond and wham they’ve got you! It is their mission to capture your identity and personal information. They find a way in, gain access to your identity and technology and before you know it, you are getting alerts that your credit cards are all compromised. These scammers have technology that consistently loops to find victims. If a website has been cloned to look like Apple but it isn’t Apple and you call the number on the screen, know that you are not talking to Apple but the scammers. Hang up immediately.