Don’t cause yourself issues, problems, and unnecessary pitfalls because you think you know better. I wouldn’t profess to know your business and would hope to learn from you. I am not trying to be pushy only to push back with valid reasons and facts.
- The interviewer has an idea of your background. They invited you to come in and to participate as a contender. Take the edge off.
- If you are a true superstar you will understand what I mean when I ask you not to bring that unattractive, know-it-all arrogant attitude with you to the interview – if it is part of your persona. It may work when you are in the leadership seat or may not but this type of presentation at the interview stage would lead to a negative knock against you. It’s a world of change. Time to adapt if you haven’t already. Also, please don’t continuously say: in my last organization we did it this way – even if this way means you developed 99%, you also had a team correct? You do not want to create even one bad first impression.
- You have been invited to interview for a good reason. Remember this is not all about you it is about where you can impact an organization and bring added talent value to the next employment home. It is up to you to prove your value not up to the interviewer to work hard to extract your added value.
FACT: As a business leader, you are more comfortable being in control any process. Ease up on controlling the hiring process. It is not in your job description yet.