All of these indicators show interest level and demonstrate that you understand that although you may be a leader in your business world, this is not your employment home yet so a mindset adjustment is required.

Demonstrate respect to the person who is meeting you live and in person or on the telephone or in an online session. You may not be meeting a potential new boss on a first interview. If it is an HR executive or a more junior HR team member, remember they have the power to move you or not move you to next steps. HR experts are often more intuitive and are looking to see if you are a cultural fit within their environment. Don’t give the impression meeting with HR is a waste of your time. It is not all about the words you use to communicate. You need to demonstrate in every way that you are interested and respectful. Use your body language. Sit with confidence. Present a 360 view of your best combined physical and verbal communication skills. I know you realize this is what you would expect from a candidate but are you bringing those insights with you when interviewing?

  • The person on the hiring side of the desk likely does not know you. It is up to you to engage the interviewer and to connect with them on the level they require.
  • Once you have practiced and gone over and over your personal presentation, you will have comfort in Switching Hats and will give the interviewer all of the reasons of excellence you have excelled in your past roles.
  • Your role is to be comfortable knowing that you have drilled through your past experience and have not missed a rehearsal moment of preparation. You wouldn’t miss a step if you were preparing for a board – level presentation or presenting to a client you are trying to impress. The difference here is you are presenting yourself. It’s much harder to criticize and correct your personal presentation.

 Give the interviewer what they need to move you forward!