A Mirror can be your best reality check! 

Please practice in a mirror. I am not condescending in the least or sending you on a waste of time – mission. Would you agree that mirror preparation for a meeting presentation or live media presentation has worked for decades? In this case, mirror practicing is critical to your success as you learn to be comfortable Switching Hats to interview successfully. Using video technology presents a host of issues. It works of course but it is not as effective as a real-time view of how you appear to the interviewer. See real-time how your eyes connect with the interviewer (your mirror), a real-time view of your body language presentation live and at the moment. Using a mirror to practice interviewing techniques gives you a chance to stop, correct and move forward. Do this exercise on your own with nobody else there to give their opinion. You know when you are presenting well or if you need to correct a step.

  • Watch your reflection when you ask yourself an interview type of question. Do your eyes tell the story of your enthusiasm, humor and passion, as you share your employment history facts or answer a direct question?
  • Any kind of casual body language will show disinterest.
  • It may be the way you sit in your own office but not the way you need to sit once you are on the interviewee side of the table.

How you position your hands, your legs, and movements while sitting – all make a difference. How you are sitting if you have good posture or are you slouched in the chair. It all makes a difference. If your arms are crossed tight you are sending a closed message or if your leg is tapping repeatedly, you are distracting the interviewer. Reminder, this is not your office. You are not the CEO yet. You know this is correct – right?