Review and research all corporate information including the organization culture, products or service offerings, clients and customers, direct and indirect competitors. Also review, financial background and current status of the organization. If it’s a public organization as you know, information is easy to access. If it is a private organization, it is unlikely that you will find financial disclosure information. You may only get a clear understanding once you meet the top players in the hiring process. The good news is most information is available online. You don’t have to leave your home, you can at your convenience research all that is required. There are no excuses today – if you do not take the time to prepare, your competition will. Once again, I am not condescending, the fact is you may think you know the space and perhaps you do. New initiates are brought to the forefront daily. Time moves at hyper speed. Leave nothing to chance. Use your key skills to ensure you don’t miss anything.
- Research does take time but nothing worth doing is easy.
- Competition at your level is top notch.
- Your competition is excellent at what they do as well, do you want to bet they will do their due diligence?
- Go to all social networking websites like LinkedIn, glassdoor,, Facebook (personal and business accounts) and any others you can locate through business associations to further understand backgrounds, past employment, and education of those you will be interviewing with.
- Drill into organization, culture, environment, and position within their market specialty along with every direct and indirect competitor you can find.
If you knock out all stops and go for a home run, because you are an all-star player in your day to day business life, apply it to being interviewed and driving an offer to the table.