While in Job Search Mode:
- Add to your day planner and digital calendar each function, activity or action item for each hour of each day.
- Add in block time structures required to meet job search daily objectives.
- Example: 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM research all organizations in my geographically desired working areas of expertise as noted in pluginemployment.com workbooks. 10:30 AM – 12 PM add to the schedule: review GENERATE JOB SEARCH PROSPECTS & TARGET THE SELECTION PROCESS. Populate all researched organizations selected for the job search and interview preparation workbooks.
- Use your hard copy day planner to add in any other scheduled entries like: WebEx 1PM-2PM every Wednesday while in transition, go to gym 12PM-1PM daily, 2PM-4PM review content from pluginemployment.com select daily content reviews and workbooks to complete. Give yourself deadlines and timelines just as if you are still employed. Maintain work structure during the workday.
- Don’t do household shopping, errands, laundry, cooking and others during your work day unless on a lunch break.
- Put your smartphone on pause and only accept job search related interruptions. Tell your family and friends you will not be able to get back to them until a break.
- Check email for interview invitations and respond asap.
- Use your day planner if large to add in goals and targets achieved daily.
- At end of the day, spend 30 minutes and use your day planner to plan the next day and continue on until you are gainfully employed.
Day planners and journals that are dated daily (not weekly) offer a hard copy for easy access. Of course, you can print the month/weekday calendar’s using Google calendar or Outlook, both are great tools you can use. Just ensure whatever tools you use that you are organized and have diarized a to-do list, your day/hour schedule, job search and job preparation goals, targets, and commitments.