Identity theft is only one of the scam artists, goals. Scammers can take advantage of job seekers in many ways. One of the easy ways is scammer’s pose as employer’s and ask for personal information. The scammers can clone job board sites, post fake ads and wait for you to respond and wham! Now with a fake website you believe is real the criminals have now swooped in and have access to your identity. What you don’t need is criminals to have access to your banking information so they can start spending your money under the radar. These scammers have technology that consistently loop to find victims. A criminal can also pose as a recruiter but when you drill through their site you see that the organization is not based within North America even if they appear to. Scammers hunt resume databases also. They look for resumes with full contact information loaded. It could be a person scanning manually or software looking for key words. I know it sounds crazy but think of this. The job market generates billions of people seeking employment, world-wide. Job seekers have homes, cars, personal assets and personal documents. Can you see how the employment market can be a honey pot of rich with targets?